HD Vision Systems is presenting a new product family for automated object handling of shiny and metallic parts. The intuitive systems consist of ready-to-use software and a light field sensor. In addition to bin picking, gripping from pile and from a conveyor belt are also available as applications.
HEIDELBERG, FEBRUARY 4TH 2021. With the LumiScan Object Handling product family, HD Vision Systems is now offering industrial companies a convenient option for automatically detecting, gripping and placing workpieces in an oriented manner. With LumiScan BinPick in sizes S, M and L, gripping in every box and from every pile is a success. LumiScan MotionPick, on the other hand, supports the safe gripping of moving parts – for example from a conveyor belt.
The solutions based on light field technology offer users reliable detection of metallic or shiny objects. In addition, the LumiScanX sensor as part of the systems, minimises occlusions of objects in cluttered piles through its integrated camera array.
Production-ready set-up of the pre-configured systems consisting of a 3D light field sensor as well as hardware and software takes users less than two hours. Thanks to intuitive software interfaces and process guidance, no experts are required. Users can easily load new objects or grippers as CAD models directly into the software. Grip points can be placed in the simulation simply by dragging and dropping or entered directly as coordinates. For a short setup time, grip point symmetries can be easily selected and adjusted.

Setup of LumiScan BinPick S
Every LumiScan Object Handling system can be easily integrated into the existing periphery. This is ensured by ready-made interfaces to OPC-UA, Profinet and ctrlX AUTOMATION. Preconfigured configurations are already available for Universal Robots, KUKA and ABB robots – other manufacturers on request.
LumiScan Object Handling is now available in the versions LumiScan BinPick (S, M, L) and LumiScan MotionPick. For more information, please contact www.hdvisionsystems.com.
HD Vision Systems enables Machine Vision in a new dimension: The systems consisting of light-field-based image acquisition and intuitive, high-performance software allow quick and easy application for any user. Thanks to reliable detection of metal and gloss as well as fewer occlusions, the ready-to-use systems are suitable for a wide range of objects and surfaces. In addition to object handling solutions, the HD Vision Systems portfolio also includes AI-based quality inspection and 3D scanning.
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HD Vision Systems
Mareike Schindler-Kotscha
Senior Communications & Marketing Manager
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69124 Heidelberg
+49 6221 672 19-30